Life insurance

We all know the future can be unpredictable, that's why we have a range of products that can give you that added peace of mind

  • A guaranteed amount paid to your loved ones
  • Affordable plans from £5 per month
  • Provide for your funeral and other expenses

Why have life cover?

Nobody likes to think about what will happen when they're no longer around, but when the time comes it's reassuring to know that your nearest and dearest, as well as any expenses, will be taken care of.

Our life insurance plans give you the added security and peace of mind you've been looking for. You can view our plans below but if you need any further information please don't hesitate to get in touch - we're happy to help.

Risks you should be aware of:

If you surrender the plan before maturity (which is the term you select when first starting the plan), you may get back less than you have paid in.

Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

The Whole of Life Plan is a pure protection life insurance policy and doesn’t participate in the profits of the Society’s investment fund or have any surrender or maturity value.

Why choose Sheffield Mutual

Trusted, fair & ethical

We do not invest knowingly or directly in industries relating to armaments, tobacco, gambling or pornography

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